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Ashlee's Pro Alpha 6 Layer Peel!


Updated: Aug 6, 2020

Since we all saw the results of Kerrie's RP Peel it was decided that we should all experience what this procedure was like. Because skin concerns and our Fitzpatrick's (skin tone) are different, I'll be having the Pro Alpha 6 Layer Peel

The Pro Alpha 6 Layer Peel is a 10 day procedure that peels away dead, redundant skin which will return the skin back to it's original healthy functioning state.

The process is 2 days of peel application in clinic, then an enzyme lift off at day 5 and 10, again done in clinic with our paramedical therapist.

Please note that this Pro Alpha 6 Layer peel was done during the isolation COVID-19 crisis. All treatments are done in clinic and by a trained Paramedical therapists.

Now, I'm going to be very honest throughout this blog, so get ready for some possible up's and downs.

I was never too concerned with my skin as a teen or young adult other than the redness! Really I'd just cover it with makeup and call it a day, but it wasn't until I did my Beauty Therapist training that I understood you could make a difference using skincare and sunscreen.

Now that I'm older and I've seen what I've put my skin through, my main concerns are still, redness, uneven skin, sun damage and ageing. But especially redness!

I've always said that this industry chose me, because for quite a while I really wasn't sure what I wanted to do.

I fell IN-LOVE with skin during our anatomy and physiology portion of training and skin ended up becoming my favorite organ. It does and tell us so much about our bodies!

Facials for me were where it was at! And although I love every aspect of my career, facials is all I've wanted to do. When I saw the Seek job ad with Kerrie and there was the opportunity to use DMK (a genuine dream of mine), I thought why not just see. Well here I am almost 2 years later. Loving every second of it.

Before I started this Pro Alpha 6 Layer Peel I made sure I took all the steps to get my skin healthy INSIDE and out.

I started with:

The Regul8 system, 2 boxes on the intermediate program and between 4-6 EFA's a day.

Enzyme facials and strictly DMK home care. Revitosin is a must before this treatment!

And I may overshare here, but I think it's important to note that I do take regular prescribed medication for anxiety, depression and sleep. I have been on and off these for 7+ years, and various contraceptives since I was a teenager. I have recently been diagnosed with Endometriosis and have had 1 operation to remove the lesions with (in my opinion) minimal success as I had many complications.

With all of this internal stress, I think my skin just noped out and went haywire!

Day 1

In Clinic the therapist will

- Cleanse

- Apply Peel solution, this stays on for 8-12 hours so you can go home. We opted for the strong solution due to my skin tone.


Anxious! Considering I've had awful periods all my adult life you'd think I'd have a high pain threshold. NOPE!

Mary started at my forehead and worked her way down the face, instantly there was a bit of stinging, then more and more. Kerrie was a great fanning buddy and both ladies reassured me that I was doing good and just let me go with my emotions.

Now the feeling: Remember when you were a kid and you got the worst sunburn of your life? The kind that really stuck with you and gives you flashbacks? That's the exact feeling. After sitting up and having an ice water the feeling did die down a little bit, but would come in waves of stinging and heat. THIS IS NORMAL. I went home with the cooler directly on my face!

Day 2

No morning routine, straight into next layers

In Clinic your therapist will

- Cleanse

- Apply 2nd Layer of Peel Solution, again this stays on for 8-12 hours At Home after the 8-12 hours you can remove with cleanser and apply home care prescriptives


I had very red, broken out cheeks with very watery pustules. I was feeling very low, like the kind just before you come down with a cold. Very itchy and also a tight forehead. Using the DMK Milk cleanser stung quite a bit and I had to turn down the water temp quite a lot to make it comfortable.

Second layers now! I knew what to expect so I wasn't as anxious but as soon as the solution went on that hot feeling started again and I instantly frosted! This is when we know the skin has had enough of the solution and can't take anymore. I sat up and had some ice water and went home with the cooler on my face again. You can sleep in this solution over night and I did the first night, but today I couldn't handle it and only lasted 8 hours!

Again, Mary and Kerrie did a great job keeping me distracted, cool and calm. I wouldn't want anyone else to do it besides these two ladies.

Day 3

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



Fucking awful! I am so itchy and hardly got any sleep. I tossed and turned and at one point tried to sleep in the spare room to let my husband relax... Didn't work, I missed him too much and hated that bed. It isn't long enough for my giant legs.

In the morning my face was quite red still but also had this hue of brown. Here comes the pigmentation! My face is really tight, it's uncomfortable to move and when gently pressed it wrinkles so badly!

Putting on the products started out fine then as I moved onto the Beta Gel and DDVC the burning started. THIS IS NORMAL. I much prefer the burning to the itch though. So I just rolled with it.

I knew my skin wasn't good (it's look and function) but I didn't realise how attached I was too it when it currently looks like this. It really is the redness that I hate, I'm excited to peel because I feel like I will handle that a lot better.

Day 4

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



I woke up feeling much better today. I slept like a log so I could totally conquer the world. I'm cleansing a lot more gently than I normally would, I just want to make sure that my new skin is protected as much as possible.

I'm peeling so much more today! The new skin is looking pink and healthy and I am starting to crack all over my cheeks. To be honest I much prefer the peeling than the redness, it just feels like Halloween so I'm here for it.

One thing I do want to reiterate is DO NOT SCRATCH! I have played with an area for too long and it looks like I have scabbed up a little. YOU DO NOT SCAB DURING THIS PEEL, IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE SCRATCHED. So again, do not scratch.

Also, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really loving the new Herbal Pigment Oil. DMK have recently reformulated and I think... It might be becoming a new favorite product. Big claim, but MAN is it gorgeous on the skin!

Day 5

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



I woke up flaking today and very, very thirsty! Most of the night I was quenching my thirst and I drank about 1.5 liters of water. The itch and the thirst is real!

My forehead has FINALLY started to peel and I'm so happy because it was so tight. I'm also starting to do a double peel on my chin. Completely normal, however it was feeling so lovely and soft before it started to get dry again. Actually my face is really starting to feel soft all over, especially my nose and cheeks where I was most conscious about the texture.

The redness has calmed way, WAY down and the products are stinging less and less, which is helping me to feel more at ease.

Overall, I'm feeling very confident about the whole process (Yes I remember how I was on day 3) and can't wait to get back to my regular Biogen C and Revitosin cremes.

Day 6

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



BREAKOUTS! We all have them and today I can feel them coming up and out of my chin. It's super important that if this happens to NOT PICK THEM. Whilst I'm not overly worried about them I can say that the redness has gone down even more. I'm so happy! Because it was a Saturday, and a beautiful one at that, it was nice to lounge outside and have a BBQ.

That gif... 100% accurate, plus I also put my hood over the top of my head for extra protection. We are not going through all this to deny sun protection people!

Day 7

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



Yeah I'm looking forward to another lift off! My skin is undergoing another peel around my chin, jawline and my cheeks. THIS IS NORMAL. My skin on my nose, forehead and under my eyes is SO DAMN SMOOTH! My black heads are non existent and I've noticed that a shingle scar on my cheek has visibly reduced and it's a lot soother, as in I can't feel the dent anymore. It's totally wild. I also feel as if my jawline has lifted a little. I won't 100% know until my final after photo, again it just feels different when I run my hands over my face.

I've also been upping my EFA'S during the day. Around day 3 I spoke to Beauty Indulgence's DMK rep Shelley. Her knowledge is insane and she even let me winge to her about how I was feeling about the peel. Anyway, she advised me to drink plenty of water and take EFA's to keep the inflammation down. Now this may be excessive but I really don't care and I truly feel it's helped. I've started to take around 12 EFA's a day. 4 in the morning, noon and night.

That's how paranoid I am about the redness, I'm told to take my internal supplements, well fine. I'll just triple it!

Day 8

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



I feel my skin is really starting to look SOOOOOO much better! My husband is noticing that skin is smoother. I'm still undergoing a slight peel on my forehead and cheeks but nothing compared to what it was. Once I put on my products you really can't notice it and once I have my lift off in a few days I feel this will be completely gone.

I had a look in the mirror mid-way writing this to have a look at my eyebrow piercing scar and I'm almost certain it completely gone! It's wild! My forehead lines have decreased dramatically and when I poke my face I feel so plump. Again, I'm really looking forward to getting back to my regular products and adding in a few more I may need in the future. So far I'm enjoying the results and will let you know in a few days whether I'd recommend the Pro Alpha 6 Layer Peel!

Day 9

I woke up and did my morning routine.

Tepid water and a very soft touch I cleansed using

- Milk cleanser

- Melanotech drops

- Beta Gel & Direct Delivery Vit C (DDVC)

- Herbal Pigment Oil with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Contraderm with Herb & Mineral Mist

- Solar damage



The days seem to be rolling into one at this point BUT I did do something a little different and wear some makeup! (If you're reading this in the future, remember it was during covid-19, so makeup has fallen by the way side).

Some heavy duty concealer just in the corners of my eyes and Youngblood Mineral foundation as my base. To be honest I didn't get a photo but I was feeling myself!

My makeup was sitting beautifully on top of my skin care and corners of my eyes felt so tight. Loving these results

Day 10

What a journey! There are certainly positives and negatives to this treatment. But the negatives are minimal and only for a few days.

How I felt

I will say that my skin does feel better than what it did 10 years ago! My skin feel plump, strong, smooth, soft and brighter.

Final feelings

Would I recommend this to people?

As a therapist: As you saw this treatment can get full on, both physically and emotionally. However, I would still recommend it to people. This DMK treatment really does what it says it does, and for those of you looking for real results, then get in line because it's peel time!

As a client: Again yes. I was in constant contact with my therapists who checked in on me everyday, and listened to my concerns and triumphs. I found that even on the "bad" days, having that constant connection was very, very, very, very reassuring. I love the results and can't wait to see more changes over the next month.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and coming on the journey with me, If you would like to start your own skin journey our passionate therapists would love to meet you.


Rebuilding skin, rebuilding lives.


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